Data Collections

MapProvision uses the concept of Data Collections that contain a number of datasets. Each Data Collection has a unique URL to its corresponding Viewer portal. Users can create multiple Data Collections and these will all have unique URLs that link to their Viewer portal which can be embedded in your website, blog or intranet.

Create a New Data Collection

To create a new Data Collection open up the Manage Data Collections listings and select *New Data Collection.

You will see the New Data Collection panel popup where you can type in a name for your new Data Collection. Then click save and the Data Collection trees on the left navigation frame will refresh to contain your new Data Collection. You can then open up your Data Collection in manage mode to add datasets and define how it will appear in the Viewer portal

Delete a Data Collection

You can delete a Data Collection at any time by selecting it and clicking Delete Data Collection.

All the datasets in the Data Collection will also be deleted.

Embed a Data Collection in your website

To embed a Data Collection in your website you can get its unique URL from the Publish tool.